The starting point for the design of the Memorial building is the concept of blending it into the tectonics and landscape of the Dnieper valley slope, near Pechersk Lavra, a place of unique importance in the history of Ukraine. The Museum building is located on the axis leading from the viewpoint to the existing candle-shaped monument commemorating the victims of the Holodomor – the man-made famine in Ukraine in 1932-1933.
The architectural form of the building is an image of the idea of bringing to light the deliberately hidden truth about the Holodomor (Great Famine). The hidden history is to be remembered not only by the tectonic layers covering the building and the architectural intervention consisting in hiding the body of the building under the ground, but also by changing the colour of vegetation which will grow on the roof covered with soil. Also, the characteristic slitting of the roof of the building and the shifting of its half has a symbolic dimension – it shows how people’s actions lead to exposing and declassifying the crime. The monumental entrance to the building, located from the side of the candle-shaped monument, is a gate leading to the interior of the earth and to the hidden truth which will be shown in the exposition of the Memorial. Through the set design and other artistic and architectural solutions, the authors intend to arouse emotions and make us reflect on the tragedy that took place in Ukraine.
The final concept of the exhibition and the detailed design will be drawn up by the team of Mirosław Nizio’s studio – Nizio Design International with the co-authorship of Haley Sharpe Design Ltd. The architectural design of the museum building as part of phase II of the construction of the Memorial to Holodomor Victims in Ukraine was developed by the Ukrainian studio Project Systems LTD with co-authorship of the Polish studio Nizio Design International.
Works on construction of the Museum will take several years. Total usable area of the Museum is almost 14,000 m2, while the exhibition area will occupy over 3,500 m2.