Nizio Design International was opened in Warsaw in 2002. It is one of the most active studios in Poland specialising in designing museums, historical exhibitions, permanent and temporary exhibitions, and memorials. The company boasts long-standing experience in designing and completing architectural and revitalisation projects. The teams of architects associated with the studio are involved in the implementation of the most essential cultural spaces in the country by providing comprehensive services – from opinion polls, analyses, through concept development, preparation of detailed designs, to author supervision and execution. Experts in the fields of culture, science and art are invited to collaborate on the projects.


The studio’s founder, Mirosław Nizio, co-created and implemented, together with his team, the core exhibition at the Warsaw Rising Museum, one of the most popular and frequently visited museums in Poland. He is also a co-author of the project of the permanent exhibition of the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews and is responsible for its implementation. Nizio Design International has designed the architecture and core exhibition of the Mausoleum of Martyrdom of Polish Villages in Michniów and the Ulma Family Museum of Poles Saving Jews in World War II in Markowa, and the revitalisation of the complex of the former “Julia” coal mine in Wałbrzych, where the “Old Mine” Science and Art Centre was established.


The studio’s portfolio also includes the development of temporary exhibitions in urban spaces (“Relay Race to Freedom”, the exhibition commemorating the 60th anniversary of the Faculty of Painting of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, “Smoleńsk Portraits” at the Piłsudski Square in Warsaw). Nizio Design International was awarded first prize in the competition for the design of the Ulma Family Museum of Poles Saving Jews in World War II in Markowa and first prize in the international competition for the design of the Wrocław Contemporary Museum.


The exhibitions designed by the studio reconstruct history while balancing the use of state-of-the-art technology and visual means of display. As a result, after seeing an exhibition the visitor is richer in knowledge, but also in aesthetic experience, as in the case of the core exhibition of the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews, inaugurated in October 2014, or the Ulma Family Museum of Poles Saving Jews in World War II in Markowa, which has been open since March 2016.


The studio develops exhibition scenarios and architectural museum designs. Each project is supported with sociological and urban planning studies. The crowning achievement of the studio’s research work are the projects of museum complexes correlated with urban development (e.g. the Gate to the 1920 Battle of Warsaw museum, or the commemorative monument “Stone Hell” KL Gross-Rosen). The studio has also designed the Interactive Centre for Cartoons and Animation in Bielsko-Biała, and the innovative “Zoom Natury” Recreation Park in Janów Lubelski which in 2015 was granted the International Property Award for the best European Leisure Architecture building design.


One of the cornerstones of the studio’s activity are revitalisation concepts and projects, many of which have also received Polish and international prizes. The multidisciplinary project of transforming the former “Julia” coal mine in Wałbrzych into the “Old Mine” Science and Art Centre was recognised in the European Property Awards competition in the Public Service Architecture category, while the revitalisation of the former synagogue in Chmielnik, home to the “Świętokrzyski Shtetl” educational and museum facility, was honoured with the “Złoty Żuraw” award.


The studio has also prepared the concept proposal and conducted opinion polls necessary to develop the project to revitalise Rother’s Mills in Bydgoszcz. Nizio Design International team has also developed comprehensive revitalisation concept proposals dedicated to cities, their large areas or selected facilities. Studies of this kind were prepared for Łęczyca, Kraśnik, Janów Lubelski, and Łódź (e.g. “Lapidarium – Architectural Detail Storehouse”).


In 2018, Mirosław Nizio’s studio won first place in the architectural and urban planning competition for the expansion and modernisation of the Warsaw Rising Museum, and in 2020 it won the competition for the architectural and sculptural concept of the 1920 Warsaw Battle Monument.


Since 2018, Nizio Design International has been actively involved in the international team for the design and execution of the National Museum of the Holodomor-Genocide in Kiev, Ukraine.


In June 2021, the conceptual design of the Blessed Father Jerzy Popiełuszko Museum in Okopy, the native village of the assassinated priest in northern Podlasie, was presented for the first time. Mirosław Nizio’s studio was entrusted with the development of the concept and comprehensive design documentation. The museum is being established on the initiative of the Father Jerzy Popiełuszko “Dobro” Foundation and will become a branch of the Podlaskie Museum in Białystok.

The Warsaw Battle Monument, 2020

– first place in the competition for the architectural and sculptural concept.

Polish Vodka Museum, 2019

– TOP Builder 2019, award for the design and implementation of the permanent exhibition.

The Warsaw Rising Museum, 2018

– first place in the architectural and urban planning competition for the expansion and modernisation of the museum.

The Interactive Centre for Cartoons and Animation at the Animated Movies Studio in Bielsko-Biała, 2017

– first place in the competition for the development of an architectural concept.

“Krzysztof Penderecki – the heritage of Polish music of the 20th and 21st centuries”, 2015

– first prize in the competition for the development of an exhibition concept, organised by the Krzysztof Penderecki European Centre for Music in Lusławice.

“Zoom Natury” in Janów Lubelski, 2015

– International Property Awards 2015, award for the best European Leisure Architecture building design.

“Former Mine” Science and Art Centre in Wałbrzych, 2015

– European Property Awards 2015, “Highly Commended” award in the Public Service Architecture category.

POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews, 2015

– TopBuilder 2015, award for the implementation of the core exhibition.

“Świętokrzyski Shtetl” Education and Museum Centre in Chmielnik, 2013

– Złoty Żuraw 2013, award for the best revitalised building in the Świętokrzyskie voivodship; revitalisation of the former synagogue in Chmielnik.

Wrocław Contemporary Museum, 2008

– first place in the international architectural competition.

“Świętokrzyski Shtetl” Education and Museum Centre in Chmielnik, 2013

– Złoty Żuraw 2013, award for the best revitalised building in the Świętokrzyskie voivodship; revitalisation of the former synagogue in Chmielnik.

“Former Coal Mine” Science and Art Centre in Wałbrzych, 2013

– TopBuilder 2013, award for the revitalisation design of the former “Julia” Coal Mine in Wałbrzych. “Former Mine” Science and Art Centre – the best project of 2012.

Mausoleum of the Martyrdom of Polish Villages in Michniów, 2011

– European Property Awards 2011, prize for the best public utility building project.

The Ulma Family Museum of Poles Saving Jews in World War II in Markowa, 2010

– first prize in the architectural design competition.

Wrocław Contemporary Museum, 2008

– first place in the international architectural competition.

The Dialogue Centre “Breakthroughs” in Szczecin, 2009

– prize in the international architectural competition.

Monument on the site of the former Nazi Death Camp in Bełżec together with the museum building, 2004

– Special Prize in the SARP “Award of the Year” Competition

Mausoleum of the Martyrdom of Polish Villages in Michniów, 2021

– The Internet Users Award  in the 10th. edition of POLITYKA Architecture Award

Mausoleum of the Martyrdom of Polish Villages in Michniów, 2021

– Grand Prize in 12th. edition of the international competition YUANYE Awards

Mausoleum of the Martyrdom of Polish Villages in Michniów, 2022

– PROPERTY DESIGN AWARD 2022 in the BUILDING: Public Facility category

The Interactive OKO Story and Animation Center, 2024

– distinction in the competition ‘Object of the Year in Aluprof Systems 2024’

Polish Pavilion at EXPO 2025 in Osaka, 2024

– special award at UP!Awards 2024, “Wprost”

Mirosław Nizio

Founder and owner of the studio

Tomasz Nowakowski

Managing Director

Leszek Kur

Settlement Manager

Lead Architects
Bartłomiej Terlikowski

Lead Architect

Natalia Amrozińska

Lead Architect

Dariusz Polak


Marta Krassowska-Drewnik


Paweł Karlicki


Patrycja Śmigielska


Andrzej Sandel


Maciek Sobczak

Creative designer

Magdalena Siemieniako

Art Director

Communication and content
Robert Lewandowski

Content Coordinator

Karolina Kulyk

Content Coordinator

Małgorzata Ostrowska

Communications Manager

Office administration
Anna Grzywaczewska

Office Manager & HR Coordinator

Barbara Jagusztyn

Office Assistant

Technical Department
Paweł Kuskowski

Technical Department