Conceptual design of Nature Education and Recreation Centre in Opole Lubelskie
The Nature Education and Recreation Centre was to be an important part of the works aimed at revitalizing and organizing the space and function of the areas around the three ponds and the river. The site allowed for the creation of a tourist attraction of a scenic, entertaining and educational value which is linked both to the city and the natural ecosystem.
The design assumed the establishment of a system of platforms, pavilions and educational trails. As far as the first pond is concerned, the concept for its development was drawn up while taking into account the needs of waterfowl and biodiversity conservation. The associated trail covered the topic of nature.
A Culture Trail was mapped around the second pond; a recreational area was planned as well – it consisted of swimming areas, a volleyball court, an observation tower and a mini amphitheatre. The trail around the third pond was dedicated to the relationship between nature and man. The design allowed for platforms on the pond, a shelter for equipment rental and storage and an observation deck. The concept also included a special promenade for pedestrian and cyclists with an educational trail dealing with the topic of future and ecology.